Welcome to Dilasa Organisation
“Dilasa” is a Non-governmental Voluntary Organization established in 1994. Dilasa works in close cooperation with 25 other smaller NGOs in Vidharbha and Marathawada regions. It runs farmer’s support Centre, spreads information on various Government schemes meant for the benefit of the farmers and rural population. Presently Dilasa has been reached out to 59000 beneficiaries from 845 villages of Maharashtra State. It has been proposed to extend its services in Andhra Pradesh State reaching out to a total of 115000 Beneficiaries from 1200 villages with 5,00,000 of population.
The farmers have the poorest knowledge of scientific farming; this leads ultimately to link them with the local krishi kendras.
Saving & Credit Programme
Around 4000 numbers of SHG’s will be linked to banks through the project intervention.
Information about Children at Hasre Gharkul
Hasre Gharkul Centre was established in 1998, which was initially started in Arni village of Yavatmal District.
Farmer’s Support Centre
Dilasa has initiated Farmer’s Support Centre with the massive support of Caring Friends, Mumbai. A farmer’s support centre is being run by Dilasa
Farmer's suicide- Measures by Dilasa
A study was conducted on understanding and documenting impact of agrarian crisis on children learning’s involving seven organizations in Yavatmal, Wardha & Amravati districts.
Impact of Agrarian Crisis on Children
Farmer suicides and farm crisis have stolen childhood of many children in rural India.
General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC-Re,Mumbai)
Creating sustainable livelihood of distressed farmer community through Irrigation Development & Management with community Participation
Soil & Water Conservation
Holistic Watershed Development Project Phase-I was implemented in Pahapal cluster of Pandharkawada block in Yavatmal district during October 2009 to March 2011.
SBI foundation
The project entitled -Drought proofing of villages by construction of Doha in streams in ten villages of Dharur Taluka of Beed district in one year of project duration.
Phad Technology
This is a very low cost small irrigation system developed on the check dam or cement plug in which the flowing river water is diverted to nearby field by gravity through diversion weir, contour canal or through PVC pipe.
Bodi Phad Project
Rainwater harvesting is very much important for enhancing availability of water not only for irrigation purpose but also for the drinking purpose.
pata method
The emphasis of this activity is to revive mixed cropping pattern by cultivating legumes, cereals & green vegetables together in a row in the farm in order to stabilize the traditional & important method of Pata sowing
Dairy Development
After phad project, 23 tribal farmers got irrigation facilities for three seasons. This activity became major change agent in the lives of target families.
Traditional Seed & Seed Bank
Hybrid seeds replaced traditional seeds of cotton, sorghum & some other crops in recent past due to various reasons. The importance of traditional seeds will never be denied.
Promotion of seed bank
A seed bank of traditional seeds has been established through the support extended by Dr. shri Malpani, Mumbai.