Title of Project: A Project of Child-Friendly School Development
Donor: ITC Limited, Pune
PIA: Dilasa Sanstha, Yavatmal (M.S)
Coverage of Project: 18 Villages , Shirur Block, Pune
Project Duration: 1st November 2019 to 31st March 2020
Project Budget Rs.: 20,90,000/- (Twenty lakhs Ninety Thousand rupee only)
Proposed Activities:
- Health
- Sanitation
- Education
- Infrastructure (Solar electricity)
Project Goal: The aim of the project is to develop Child Friendly School through ensuring sanitation, hygiene, health, educational activities, environment sustainability and providing services
Specific Objectives:
- Strengthening the SMC members, School Staff and school children for improvement.
- By providing support make the school ideal through better Teaching and learning aid Painting.
- To provide renewable source of energy to school and reduce the dependency on other source of electricity
- To provide safe drinking water to schools to reduce incidence of diseases.